It is our pleasure to present the Second Annual ArtisTTable Landscape Show. The landscape is such a mainstay in the art world. As artists we constantly internalize everything and so it is no surprise that we very often end up using as our subject something that we are immersed in everyday. The landscape that we each live in.
This show is a great example of the many ways that this subject can be handled and interpreted. Our juror Piotr Wolodkowicz had a formidable task, and we must tip our hat to him for a job well done. Thank you Piotr.
Juror’s Notes: I was honored when asked to judge the Landscape Show by Royce and Tali. When I read the prospectus what occurred to me is how do you judge a landscape exhibition in a post-postmodern environment. I thought I was ready for the challenge so I accepted. The work that was presented to me was in many mediums and styles which made the judging very interesting and the quality of work made it very hard to narrow down the winning pieces.
Tony Conner's work and the medium was the most true to the tradition of landscape painting. The painting After the Storm had the strongest composition and I liked how the artist caught the mood and feeling of the passing moment at the farm. The artist shows great control and understanding of the difficult medium.
Danny Fields camera work intrigued me. The minimalist view of the landscape. The image of people standing and sitting in the middle of a photograph of a landscape that is almost visible made me think of the human condition. How as humans, most dominant beings on the planet we impact the environment and how we think of ourselves in egocentric terms. I found his work very current and meaningful.
I loved the mosaic by Tracy Hutzel from the moment I saw it. The story of the piece made it that much more personal to me and made me enjoy it that much more. The artist caught the feeling of a place that is peaceful and quiet, but the view of the place is not of a person that is part of the place but a visitor or outsider.
The hardest part was the honorable mentions. I could have easily picked twenty five honorable mentions because the work was so good, but that would have defeated the purpose of being a juror and the exhibit. Some of the criteria that helped me to narrow the choices was originality, how consistent the body of work was, the ability and presentation of the medium the artist worked in.
Tamarinof Cora, her piece spoke to me in the restrained use of detail.
Anat Zagorsky Springman, what brought my interest to the sculpture was the small details and the use of the book as part of the landscape.
Nancy Strahinic, I found it a positive image that hints on the subject of decay and human abuse of nature.
Susan Jacoby, what draws me to the painting is a peaceful quiet mood and color.
Lori Snow Hein, the painting was a description of a place where I would like to spend some time. Great composition and use of color.
Ish Gordon, the energy and color can't be missed in this painting.
Frank Tarenskeen, the painterly style and use of color shows confidence and mastery of the medium.
Amanda Hood, I found this piece intriguing, full of energy, great composition.
Annette Zalanowski, very organic and musical though the subject matter is not.
People's Choice Winner was Vertmont Bridge by Cheryl Kramer
Landscape 2014 Artists
Anat Agami - Israel
Mally Elbaz Alamandine - Israel
Kay Bannatyne - New Zealand
Michele BonDurant - USA
Michael Borg - USA
Subha Chaduri - USA
Tony Conner - USA
Walt Curlee - USA
Reut Davidovitz - Israel
Royce Deans - USA
Matthew Derezinski - USA
Tim Downing - USA
Nitza Erel - Israel
Tali Farchi - The Netherlands
Danny Fields - Israel
Lori Fredricks - USA
Jay Gale - USA
Ish Gordon - Israel
Roei Greenberg - Israel
Dobus Gyorgy - Hungary
Lulu Hancock - France
Laurie Snow Hein - USA
Amanda Hood - USA
Tracy Hutzel - USA
Susan Jacoby - USA
Hagar Kadima - Israel
Anastasia Kimmett - Canada
Eschar Kingbiel - Israel
Cheryl Kramer - USA
Mary Kushilevich - Israel
Jeremy Langston - USA
Chris Lathrop - USA
Barbara Majthenyi - Canada
Brad McLean - USA
James Mullen - USA
Maura Oakes - USA
Alexandria Oesch - USA
ChiaLing Pitluga - Taiwan/USA
Margalit Primo - Israel
Nissan Rabin - Israel
Ronda Richely - USA
Elizabeth Sheehan - USA
Samila Sosic - USA
Anat Zagorsky Springman - Israel
Nancy Strahinic - USA
Holly Sturges - USA
Cora Tamarinof - The Netherlands
Frank Tarenskeen - The Netherlands
Pam Topping - USA
Rachel Whitt - USA
Caprice Winters - USA
Nancy Wolitzer - USA
Shir Wooton - USA
Annette Zalnowski - USA
Maciej Zawierucha - Poland/USA
Drawing on this page by Rachel Whitt.