
Title: Break It Down - Life Abstracted בעברית

Details and Registration

Submission Deadline: 30 June 2021

Submit up to 5 images for $25

Subject: Abstract Art - All Media

Juror: ArtisTTable Staff

Exhibition dates: 14 July to 15 October 2021

Register now

What is the theme of this exhibition?

When is the submission deadline?

What are the submission guidelines?

What is the judging criteria?

How do I submit my artwork?

How do I register to be in the show?

How much does the entry fee cost?

What is included in the entry fee?

How many pieces of artwork can I send with my registration?

Who are the judges for this exhibition?

When will we get notification of the juror's results?

What are the exhibition dates?

Where is the exhibition held?

What type of art is eligible for entry?

Is there any art that is not eligible?

How do I prepare and name my image files?

Do I have to ship my artwork?

Does the artwork need to be for sale?

Does the ArtisTTable act as a sales agent?

What is the ArtisTTable policy on image reproduction rights?

What are the prizes?

How are the prizes awarded?

What is the People's Choice Award?

How do I vote in the People's Choice Awards?

What is the ArtisTTable?

Is the ArtisTTable only online?

What kinds of Activities does the ArtisTTable host?

Who are Tali and Royce?

How can I contact the ArtisTTable?

Do you still have questions?

I have read all this stuff, take me to the registration form link.


Break It Down - Life Abstracted

Welcome to the ArtisTTable's 41st online exhibition. It has been sometime since we have turned ourselves over to being completely abstract. We think that recent history has given us plenty of reasons to take things apart and examine them a bit more closely and when we do that we begin to see things more abstractly as well as seeing them exactly for what they are.

We give you Break It Down - Life Abstracted Artists of all colors, creeds, religions, and orientations are invited to submit art to this show that is designed to be a showcase for all abstract art.

Submit your work for inclusion in this ArtisTTable online exhibition titled, Break It Down - Life Abstracted,

at Accepted artists will have their work featured in the online exhibition showcasing their art along with descriptions of the artwork and artist contact information. Accepted artists will be eligible to win one of prizes listed below.


Break It Down - Life Abstracted is the ArtisTTable's 41st online exhibition .

• Open to all artists

• Any medium is eligible.

• Originality.

• Interpretation of the theme.

• The overall artistic quality of the work, including compositional excellence.


ArtisTTable Staff


The registration form must be filled out, the entry fee must be received, and the images of the artwork sent to the ArtisTTable by 30 June 2021


Fill out the registration form, make the entry fee payment, and send the files containing your art before the submission deadline.

Entries will be juried from digital files. Images may be emailed to

Images must be 72 dpi JPG format and 800 pixels on the longest side.

High-quality images are essential for qualification. Out of focus, crooked or poorly lit images and improperly named files will not be considered.


_ Write a brief artist statement about the submission. 300 words or less.

_ Fill out the Break It Down - Life Abstracted entry form. A link at bottom of this prospectus.

_ Submit non-refundable payment via Pay-Pal with the link in the Entry Form.

_ Correctly name each of the files to be submitted.

_ Submit files via email.


After all of the artwork has been reviewed by the juror(s), notification of acceptance and of any awards will be sent to you by emails by 14 July 2021.


Accepted art will be displayed in the Current Exhibition space at from 14 July to 15 October 2021. After the final date, the exhibition will be moved to the Shelved section of the site where it will be available for viewing along with other ArtisTTable exhibitions. The exhibition will be publicized to many online social media outlets and blogs. Traditional publications such as newspapers and magazines will be sent press releases detailing the exhibition, and include the names of the winners and the juror's statement.


Original, two, and three-dimensional art completed within 12 months of the entry deadline is eligible. Eligible media include oils, watercolors, acrylics, gouache, mixed media, alkyds, collage, pastel, pencil, pen and ink, tempera, sculpture, poetry, short stories, video, film, etc. Ineligible media include: Reproduction prints, artwork in frames. Obviously, derivative work and work done under the supervision of an instructor is not eligible. Work that has previously been accepted into an ArtisTTable exhibition is also not eligible. If there are any further questions about eligible media, please email and we will happily let you know.


At the bottom of this prospectus, you will find a link that will take you to the registration form. Fill it out the required fields, when you have it filled out completely, click the Submit button and you will be given a message that will contain a link that will instruct you how you can make your entry fee payment.

After you have filled out the registration form and make the entry fee payment you will be given final instructions on how to submit your images to the exhibition.


The entry fee is $25.00 US and is payable via a secure PayPal connection Contact us if you would like to arrange a different method of payment?

The single entry fee payment allows you to submit up to 5 images for consideration. The fee covers the ArtisTTable administrative costs.


In order to be able to keep track of all the entries that are submitted it is necessary that files be named accordingly. Each file name has two parts separated by an underscore ( _ ). Part 1 is the artist's last name, and part 2 is the title of the artwork. File names should not be more than 40 characters long and cannot contain symbols such as, !, @, #, %, &, etc.

Example of how to label image files: Last Name_Title.jpg

(Images must be 72 dpi JPG format and 800 pixels on the longest side.)


1) After taking a great photo of your artwork and formatting and naming it appropriately, attach them to an email to

2) Type Break It Down in the subject line.

3) Be sure to include your name in the body of the email.

4) Hit send.


For ArtisTTable Online shows, there is no need to ship your artwork. Because the exhibition is online, all that you need to do is to send the images of your work via email.


Because we have had so many questions about selling work and if the art needs to be for sale, we are going to offer the option of including a sale price for the artwork in the show. If it is not for sale, that is OK too. On the registration form there is now a space for you to check if the work is for sale or not and a place to include the price.

The ArtisTTable does NOT act as a sales agent for the artists or the art in the show. We do NOT take a percentage of any sale made from the show, and will NOT be a part of any sale. We WILL refer all inquiries directly to the artist so that arrangements for purchase and shipping can be made directly between the buyer and the artist.


ArtisTTable reserve the right to reproduce all accepted entries, regardless of copyright, for the sole purpose of publicizing the exhibition, use in press releases, slideshows, presentations, articles and on the ArtisTTable website. Artist credit will always accompany the artwork.

The Artist Table will not participate in the sale or exchange of any of the images of the artwork submitted to its competitions and exhibitions. The Artist shall retain all copyrights of any images submitted to and ArtisTTable competition. Submission of a work shall constitute an agreement to comply with all the conditions set forth in this Call for Entries.


Our independent jurors will choose the first three places and honorable mention awards. Award winners will be recognized in the Awards Gallery. Other awards include People's Choice Award, ArtisTTable (TT) Studio Award, TT Staff Awards, Portfolio Award, and Royce's and Tali's Choice Awards.

Prizes are as follows:

First Prize: This is the highest honor bestowed by the juror and is considered to be the Best in Show award. This piece of art will be featured in the Awards Gallery, in addition, the artist will be given free admission into the next ArtisTTable exhibition he/she decides to enter. If the artist chooses he/she will be eligible for an ArtisTTable Artist's Page featuring a bio and up to 15 pieces of art. (A $150 value)

Second Prize: This award is the second place honor given by our juror. This piece of art will be featured in the Awards Gallery, in addition if the artist chooses he/she will be eligible for an ArtisTTable Artist's Page featuring a bio and up to 10 pieces of art. (A $100 value)

Third Prize: This award is the third place honor given by our juror. This piece of art will be featured in the Awards Gallery, in addition if the artist chooses he/she will be eligible for an ArtisTTable Artist's Page featuring a bio and up to 5 pieces of art. (A $50 value)

Honorable Mention: There are typically between 6 and 9 Honorable Mentions awarded in any given show. It is left up to the juror to decide how many and to whom will receive. These pieces of art will be featured in the Awards Gallery.

People's Choice: Those the view the exhibition are invited to vote for their favorite pieces of art. The submission with the highest number of votes will win this award. Artists are encouraged to share links with their family, friends and fans in order to get more votes. The artist that receives this award will get free entry in the next ArtisTTable exhibition he/she decides to enter. This piece of art will be featured in the Awards Gallery.

TT Studio: Awarded to the artist whose work is derived from a particularly unique or interesting studio practice or technique. This artist will be featured in the Awards Gallery.

TT Staff Pick: In some shows, the staff feels the need to recognize a piece of work not chosen by the juror to receive recognition. This piece of art will be featured in the Awards Gallery.

Portfolio: Awarded to the artist whose work submitted to the show forms a cohesive body of work in theme, narrative and style. This artist will be featured in the Awards Gallery.

Royce's Choice: Art chosen by ArtisTTable co-founder Royce Deans will be featured in the Awards Gallery.

Tali's Choice: Art chosen by ArtisTTable co-founder Tali Farchi will be featured in the Awards Gallery.

Prizes are awarded by the ArtisTTable based on the decisions of our independent jurors and staff. Jurors are from all walks of life and have a broad experiential skill set. They are selected on their credentials and experience that they may have with the particular theme of the specific exhibition.


The ArtisTTable also is very interested in seeing what the art viewing public has to say about the art they see. From the very beginning, the ArtisTTable has had a People's Choice Award. This award also gives artists in the show more reason to promote their work that is in the exhibition. We encourage artists to share links of pages with their family, friends and fans to get as many votes as they can.

Voting is easy. Each page that contains a piece of art in our online shows has a voting button. By clicking it a vote is registered. Voting is open for as long as the exhibition is in the ArtisTTable main gallery.

The prize for the People's Choice Award is special recognition in the Awards gallery and free entry to the next ArtisTTable exhibition that they decide to enter.


The ArtisTTable is an international art group that was started in 2012 to be a forum for artists to participate in juried art exhibitions. The ArtisTTable was organized and is still run by two working artists, Royce Deans from Michigan, USA and Tali Farchi from Zwolle, The Netherlands. Because of there interest in bringing together the communities of art and culture, the ArtisTTable was born.


Although the ArtisTTable was conceived as an online presence, within the first year of operation real-life meetings of artists were happening. Today nearly half of the activity and efforts of the ArtisTTable are devoted to workshops, art retreats and events that bring artists together to get to know each other and create side by side. Online exhibitions will always be a major part of the ArtisTTable, but as time passes more and more opportunities to bring artists of all walks of life together will be more and more important.


One of our first efforts was to present intensive figure drawing events. We have always felt is important to work from the live model regardless of what sort of artist you are. First of all the academic exercise of working with the model is second to none and it is always great to hone your skills. Secondly, working from the live model opens up new channels of creativity in your art. We have hosted 8, 12 and 24-hour figure drawing events as well as simultaneous events between our Dutch and American studio with direct video connections.

We also present a week-long painting art retreats. We have held them in the US, France, The Netherlands, and Israel. We are currently scouting new locations in many parts of the world, as well as more in the US. Our art retreats are open to artists from all disciplines, photographers, and writers, as well as other creatives, are more than welcome.


We are two artists that live on two different continents, and each grew up in very different cultures. They are individual artists that were brought together by art and they have worked together for nearly 12 years on many many different art projects around the world. When they are not working directly together they are creating work in their individual studios in Zwolle, The Netherlands and in Michigan, USA.


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You can visit our website anytime, night or day:

We also have a presence on most of your favorite social media outlets:


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Click here to register for Break It Down - Life Abstracted